
2019 September Review and October Goals

September wasn’t the way I planned. But that doesn’t mean that it was not a productive month. My full time job ate away all my time. I was busy learning new things related to my job. The books I read were also heavily into that.

Review of September

I sincerely started off with this and found an implementable idea. I wanted to test the market and sent out mails to find people who I can interview. I received a reply from one out five people I reached out.
The next step for me is to write a questionnaire to make the interview experience easier. I need to find 9 more to prepare enough content to publish a book.
Apart from that, I couldn’t test out the remaining yet.
2.Make my bed
Well, it felt like it was just not my thing. I found it weird and awkward to worry about that as the first task of the day.
But then I spent a considerable amount of time in decluttering the already minimalist house.
3.Start with Why
I think this was a good exercise and I stopped chasing things which didn’t really make a difference. But I couldn’t ingrain it totally as a habit yet. It takes time to change the deeply rooted habits we have.
I did study but not for my psychology exams but statistics. I read a few chapters from Storytelling with data, Time series analysis, A modern approach to regression, Linear Regression, Hypothesis Testing, The model thinker, An introduction to statistical learning. These are the books to which I gave my time and they in turn made me richer with knowledge.
After reading so many academic books, I didn’t really find a lot of time for other books. But I read The Book of Nature by Ruskin Bond. I always wanted to read books of him and here I finally got a chance. The one thing I like about his writing is that it is simple and he takes you into the world he writes. I like imagining what is written than watching a video.
This was unexpected and at the same time the most wonderful thing which happened this month. Last month, I learned the theory behind chakras. This month, I started going to yoga classes and asked each of the tutor if they ever experienced anything related to chakras. The responses were varied. Luckily the first one I reached out to, told me that except for the first chakra, he experienced all other chakras and the third eye is the easiest to open. Rest of them were, I can’t say fake gurus but they only taught or learned postures and not the spiritual side of yoga. This generation doesn’t have the time and leisure to pursue such things may be. 
Apart from that I read Mind full to Mindful by Om Swami. I was a regular reader of his articles and this book was no different from them in opening my mind. It was an insightful and practical read.
I started following whatever he wrote and I am focusing on my steps while walking and on the water flow while drinking water.
I even went to the extent of keeping a flower in my bedroom. It reminds me of how our lives are temporary and how we need to give our best while we are still alive.
I practised yoga nidra. It was a pure bliss. I initially drifted off into sleep for a few minutes but came back to my senses pretty quick. Thereafter, I experienced tremendous body pains as we are generally not used to staying still for such a long time. The best part of the exercise was I could feel energy above my palms. I am looking forward to many more such experiences in feeling the energy around me.

Plans for October

October might be as hectic as last month when it comes to my full time work. I don’t want to plan anything grand and then feel disappointed that I am not doing much in my personal life. The main problem I have been facing is being unable to manage my energy. I am using it all up in my full time job leaving very little for anything other than that.
This won’t take a lot of time in my day. But it is very important to count my blessings when everything is not going right in life. The more I focus on what is going well, I can attract more of that. Change in focus is a lot more effective than you think.
2.Yoga and meditation
Yoga is for reaping health benefits. The longer you can stay in a posture the larger the benefits you reap. Although gymming was fine, I want to move towards yoga now. 
Also I have a 10 day streak in Meditation now. I want to make it a 30 day streak.
Doing meditation is fine. But I want to continue that meditative state for the rest of the day. I want to learn to be mindful while I exercise, walk, eat and drink. It is difficult as I keep forgetting about this but it is about doing at least whenever I remember. Scanning the body every now and then also helps in being aware of myself and surroundings.
That’s all for this month.
How was your September? What are your plans for October?
Happy October!

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