Radical Self Acceptance Workshop

This is the most simplified and fun approach to self love through shadow work and parts work using journal prompts, guided meditation, art work and tarot which you can apply in daily life.


It is designed for the souls committed to seeing themselves for who they truly are, waking up to their truest potential and living the life of their dreams by unlocking new levels of expansion and abundance through self love.


Tired of going through the same repetitive cycles of pain and suffering? 

Then you are in the right place. It’s time to alchemize the pain and suffering into the fuel to achieve your dream life, by understanding the deeper meanings of your pain and suffering.

Lurking in the subconscious mind are your shadows. They hold the code to your repeated tendencies which you are not able to break free from despite your repeated conscious efforts. 

Shadow work holds the key to…

Self-Awareness: It opens up a deeper understanding of oneself by uncovering suppressed emotions, desires, and beliefs

Emotional Healing: By confronting and acknowledging shadow aspects, you start to heal past wounds and traumas that have been repressed so far

Manifestation: When you are no longer afraid of your unhealed parts, you start to dream big and chase your dreams

Self Love: When you are able to hold your shadows with compassion, you unlock a new found love for yourself


This workshop is for you if you want to : 
  • Take back control of your life instead of calling whatever is happening with you as karma
  • Learn the hacks of how to change others without having to telling them explicitly over and again
  • Up your spiritual game by learning deeper layers of surrender


This is not for you if you are not ready to 
  • Start seeing what lurks in your subconscious mind
  • Stop blaming others and situations for your problems


By the end of this workshop you will have…

The one common takeaway of every participant in any of the workshops is self discovery. Shadow work, especially, reveals hidden strengths, talents, and resources that contribute to a more fulfilling and purposeful life.

Reduced Inner Conflict

When you are unaware of your shadows, there is a constant struggle between conscious and unconscious desires. When the unconscious becomes conscious, it reduces inner turmoil and you open up to new levels of inner peace.

Enhanced Mental Health

Addressing the shadow alleviates symptoms of anxiety, depression, and other mental health issues by resolving underlying psychological conflicts.

Improved Relationships

Understanding your shadow helps you accept your own limitations and thereby hold space for others limitations. This in turn helps you have empathetic and compassionate interactions with others, leading to healthier and happier relationships.

Channelling Creativity

You will move from feeling that I am not a creative person to using creativity to manifest your wildest dreams


By embracing all aspects of oneself, you feel more empowered and in control of your life.

Spiritual Development

This one is for my spiritual folks. This course will take you to the next level of your spiritual journey.


The number one complaint which I usually hear from my clients is lack of self worth. This course will improve your self worth as you start looking at yourself in a new lens.

Self Love

The ultimate gift or the nectar which we all long for here on earth is self love. You will for sure taste this. You will start to love your body, your dreams, your flaws, your emotional self, 

Why take the course with me?

If we are meeting for the first time,


I’m Nikitha Mangu. I help people see the truth of who they are and the situations and circumstances they are in. The moment you start to see the truth for what it is, it opens up the courage to chase the goals you always dreamed of. This is what multiple dark nights of the soul have taught me and helped me take birth over and again shedding multiple identities in one lifetime. I help people who work with me achieve the same by changing their perspectives.

What my community is saying…
Here is what the participants from previous workshops say:

“I am being wary of how I am handling my emotions. With the daily guidance being provided, I am observing my inner critical voice and trying not to encourage it to be judgmental. I have cut down some tasks which I used to do mindlessly.Getting to know the different possibilities of coping, helped me understand what my dominant shadows are.”

“Now that I know the reasons for some of my behavioral aspects, I am being conscious when I am exhibiting them. I am noting down what I can do better the next time in such a situation so that I can have better interpersonal relations. I am also continuing to spend some time on active hobbies so that I have a healthy outlet to my emotions.”

“Learned different ways of discovering shadows, its impact on relationships in life, how our upbringing plays a main role. Practical session/Guided imagery session held by Nikitha created a sort of safe and secure environment in which we can reframe our old experiences and develop a healthy way of approaching life.”

“I now have a better understanding of my current patterns and beliefs, as well as where they came from, as a result of this workshop. Now I’m changing them gradually in accordance with the workshop’s instructions.”

“I learned about healthy and unhealthy coping strategies, as well as the concept of victim mentality and how I was attracting and projecting it on a regular basis recently.”

“I love the way you explained everything in simple terms.thank you for sharing your experiences and knowledge with us!! The session was very informative and loved the examples and case studies you shared with us.”

Here is what one of my long term client says:

“The amount of positive impact and support I have received through you is immense! You have sat with me through some of my most difficult times and a major reason why I lead a much better and whole hearted life than two years back! I am so glad to have found you at the right time. I am happy to remind you today that you’re doing such a good job 👏 and Thankyou so much🥰”

Workshop details
  • Live online sessions with theory and meditations spread across weeks with each session lasting between 1.5 hours to 2 hours
  • Whatsapp group to discuss your daily findings
  • Take home journal prompts, tarot spreads and art work. Don’t worry you don’t need prior experience to do this. You will be guided during the workshop.
  • Price: Rs 14,999/- 
  • Course starts from 27th July. Usual session timings – 6pm IST. Happens only on weekends over 1-2 months
  • Bonus: You will receive a bonus course – Manifestation framework worth Rs 3333 along with this
Still have questions?

Do I have to know anything?

“I’m new to psychology and spirituality, will I be able to understand anything?” Yes, I share it in simple terms of your everyday habits and talking to you about your everyday life

“I have attended a lot of workshops before. Will it be just another workshop?” 

This is a holistic workshop with a unique combination of learning the concept, exploring that through journal prompts, looking at your shadows      through tarot and expressing it through art and healing through meditation. It clears the old through multiple layers and the healing sticks with you forever

What if I can’t attend a few classes?

I take in smaller batches with not more than 9 per batch. We will schedule the classes on the weekends when most of them are available. If you still can’t make it, you have lifetime access to the recordings.

What is your refund policy?
There will be no refunds once you make the payment. We can discuss all your concerns and questions before you make the payment.

Enquire more or register for the workshop here.


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