2021 July Review & Aug Goals

“It has been said, ‘time heals all wounds.’ I do not agree. The wounds remain. In time, the mind, protecting its sanity, covers them with scar tissue and the pain lessens.”

― Rose Fitzgerald Kennedy


I started Lucid dreaming this month and surprisingly I still dream about my JEE exam and how I could not get an IIT seat. While we think that we have made peace with our past, our past is still healing day after day while we are asleep. Lucid dreaming is about bringing awareness to the thoughts of our unconscious mind. When we bring our unconscious to light, we start healing and let go of repressed memories slowly. 


Review of July


1.Working on Root chakra 

The main habits which I made for my root chakra work are 

  • Root chakra yoga
  • Chewing cloves daily
  • Ginger & Turmeric water
  • Eating at least one ground vegetable or red colour fruit
  • Use red colour pen and wear more of red colour
  • Setting intention before I go to sleep to overcome fears
  • Keeping a check on if I am projecting my expectations while trusting another person

Even after practising all of these I could not see any real changes yet as it is a slow process. Hence I will be working on the same for a few more months.



I completed organising my first 3 week workshop and I was glad about the response by the participants. This month, I am doing a 5 week mindfulness on senses workshop with meditating on the senses session everyday. I am excited about helping them inculcate mindfulness into their daily life.


3.Tarot reading

I spent a lot of time learning the connection between tarot and psychotherapy. Now, I feel ready to use tarot for my own healing. I am yet to explore the intuitive side of tarot reading.


Plans for August


As a part of continuing to work on my root chakra, I will include the below routines.


1.Barefoot walking 

One of the best ways to feel grounded is to walk on the grass barefoot. It helps you connect with mother Earth and is a good way to practise mindfulness.


2.Letting go of fears

Another aspect of root chakra is over weight issues. Fear gets stored in fat in our bodies. When we experience trauma of any kind we put on weight to store that fear. When traditional ways of weight loss don’t work, letting go of the emotional weight helps. This is my attempt to uncover at least one layer of fear.


How was your July? What are your plans for August?


Happy August!


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