2022 Jan Review & Feb Goals

“The universe speaks if you will learn to listen.”

David Bowers


The best thing in January for me is the signs I have been getting from the Universe on how I should shape my destiny. Since the last two months, I have been highly confused between upgrading my skills in my full time job vs plunging fully into my Side Hustle. Universe gave me a message that time is not yet right to leave my full time job by sending people into my life in the form of study buddies. It made sense to me because the day I make my part time job a full time job I can’t be generous in giving discounts and freebies thereby not being able to help people who genuinely need help but can’t afford.


Review of January




I have started reading Hatha Yoga Pradipika and stopped it after the first section as it suggests that one should strengthen their body with regular hatha yoga practise before proceeding to the next steps in spiritual growth.


Apart from that, I have been heavily reading books related to auras and chakras and it opened a new dimension into my life.




Instead of reading some random blogs, I made a clear study plan to revise all the concepts from scratch. I have two buddies who I can connect over different topics and will be able to wrap up all the concepts in three months at breadth. Might have to revisit a few more in depth later.




During the guided meditation workshop for beginners, most of the participants loved the session on energy. One of the participants requested for a follow up session to experience auras at depth. Register here.


It was a great pleasure to conclude the first batch of beliefs workshop. It was an eight sessions long intense workshop where we discussed about how we can break our limiting patterns. I am happy for the inner shift I could bring in the participants’ lives.


I am yet to receive the complete feedback from the participants on choosing your partner workshop as they are still working on the assignments, trying to assimilate all the new concepts and perspectives which have been discussed. More than the participants, I was happy doing this workshop as this workshop was what I wish I knew when I was younger so that I didn’t have to go through all the trauma in meeting strangers under the name of meeting prospective grooms.


4.One on One sessions


One thing I want to call out when you book a one on one session with a therapist is that – Don’t put the onus on your therapist to live your life. Book a coaching session so that you can figure out what is right for you and why it is right for you. You are the final decider of your path. Talk more about yourself so that you discover your patterns. Going to a therapist is not like to going to a doctor and calling out symptoms and going back home with a prescription. You have to actively participate in the healing process. Your therapist understands and diagnoses you. When he/she asks you more questions it is not because she didn’t understand you but it is to make you get in touch with your feelings and reality.


5.Physical Fitness


As per the plan, I started spending more time in each asana even though I was not able to do them for a long time at a stretch. The longest I have been able to stand without losing balance in tree pose is around 4 minutes. I am excited to break my own records in February.


Plans for February


I have to be honest about the fact that I will be spending more time revising concepts related to my full time career than side hustle. So in the little time I can afford, I have very few new initiatives this month.


1.Workshops and 1:1 sessions


I am doing a free talk on the impact of beliefs in everyday life with a special emphasis on Mind Body Connection. More details on the workshop.


If you are interested in experiencing aura, Register here.


I am taking in only one slot for 1:1 sessions and astrology reading. 


2.Spiritual Journey


January was quite a hectic month that my spiritual work took a back seat. In Feb, I am excited about the new set of folks with whom I will be starting to read bhagavad gita every week. I also want to practise Tratak on Sri Chakra yantra and mantra chanting. 


3.Exploring other therapy modalities


I try out the effectiveness of different forms of therapy before I use it in my therapy sessions. This month, I will explore mirror work at depth so that I can add more resources in my tool box.


How was your January? What are your plans for February?


Happy February!


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