Tuning into Energy of Love – 2022 July Review

“My capacity to tune in to the energy of love gives me the words i need when i am ready to  speak up the compassion i need when it’s time to forgive and the power i need when i am lost” – Gabrielle Bernstein


This beautiful quote helped me find love in the darkest places.


Highlights of July:


1.Navigating Triggers


One of the achievements I am so proud of this month is that my old triggers no longer trigger me. I neither ignore nor discount the triggers. But I see the inner child of the other person who needs validation and consolation and is incapable of behaving like an adult.


In an awake state, I over thought a lot of situations. But in meditation, I found love which helped me surmount all my triggers.


2.Vulnerable conversations


Being vulnerable has suddenly become very important to me. I have started communicating my truth irrespective of what the other person feels. It is a very hard thing to do but I am slowly learning to do that and I feel that I am freeing up so much of my blocked energy in this process.


3.Finding love in the Universal energy


Being a therapist as a profession makes people in your real life also treat you the same way. That means that I have relations who hope to get the love and nurture of therapy on demand. Sometimes I am tired of giving and being a nurturing mother. I wish I could get back what I give. The only energy which I found fulfilling is the universal energy of love which can make my heart overflow.


4.Finding constants in the changed world


When I visited home after a long time, the whole place changed. What was once a residential colony has now become a commercial place. The temple which is a few meters away has been reconstructed. The buildings in which my friends stayed were either reconstructed or lent for commercial purposes. 

There’s so much of it which was the same but so much of it which was different too. Despite all of that, I realized no one could take away the bond I shared with people. In all these years, no one else can bring out the side of me where my replies can make people burst into laughter. The me which belongs only to my family is still so safe in so much change around me. I had so many feelings come up. One of them was the feeling of being cheated that someone took away my childhood from me forever. That I wanted to recreate my childhood environment. Maybe that is what we do in the outside world on an everyday basis too.


5.Theta healing


Another round of theta healing session and getting to know that my resistance to change levels have gone down further was one of the most beautiful feelings. Many times you work on changing yourself but when someone confirms that you have really changed you know that it is the truth and it’s not your ego talking.


6.Cleaning and Protection


The intention for the month was about cleaning and protection. I started facing challenges in the exact same thing. It also gave me a chance to learn to establish boundaries and learn quick methods of clearing up others energy from my aura.




As a part of my cleaning and protection rituals, I realized that I needed some techniques to allow the universal energy flow through me on demand and not depend on others  especially when I need it in odd hours. Also, understanding my own birth chart, I knew that this was part of my life purpose. Even though I planned it for a few years later, I am a certified level 2 reiki practitioner now. I will be doing the level 3 after a few years after I have enough experiences to share the learnings with others.


8.Weekly Tarot readings


I started doing a weekly tarot guidance starting this month. The feedback has been satisfactory and I am now ready to do it for a larger audience. If you would like to know what energies you have to focus on for the coming week, book for the weekly guidance here.


Plans for August


The last month has been quite heavy for me in terms of trauma and learning. I had let gone a decade old repetitive pattern. I hope I don’t repeat the same mistakes in future after such a strong learning. Sometimes in life, some lessons are learnt in the first go and while a few others need repetitive lessons. The best we can do is not to be too hard on ourselves and learn a little after every encounter. 


To balance things out, I will keep it light for this month.


1.Experiment with Reiki Energy


Being attuned to reiki is just the beginning. Channeling it daily and practicing how to use it for different use cases is the next level. As usual, I found my first set of clients within my family and will start applying it on them to learn the nitty gritties before I do it professionally.


2.Understanding dreams better


I finally shortlisted a few books on dreams to understand decoding symbols and themes better. Hopefully, I will read a few this month.


How was your July? What are your plans for August?


Happy August!

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