Turning Trauma into Healing – August 2022 Review

“Your faith has the power to turn trauma into healing, conflict into great growth, and fear into love.” – Gabby Bernstein


Sometimes you get hit by some object and assume that it wasn’t a bad hit. But the next day you see a black mark with a blood clot under the skin.

A lot of wounds in life are like that. Many things we encounter in our everyday life hurt us but we brush it off as it is too humiliating for our ego to accept that we are in pain.

In August, as I was not doing anything else important, I dared to open an old wound. When I say tune into the pain, I replay the incident as if it is happening today and then look at how the pain consumes the entire body and where all it hurts and which part of the body shuts down with the pain.

You might consider this as an insane experiment but this can release the trauma your body has been holding. From my learnings, wounds don’t heal with time. They heal when you choose to heal it with intention and purpose. 


Review of August


1.Reiki healing

It felt like magic to practice this. The first time I did it on a remote client, I could feel the magnetic energy in my palms. From my end, I am happy to do it. From the clients end, one of my clients reported a reduction in panic and better sleep. Another client reported in psychic dreams. The kind of results each person receives and the healing they feel is totally based on where they stand as of today and how well they are able to integrate it into their life.


2.Teaching Tarot

I am grateful for the 4 students who trusted in me and joined my Tarot class. It is a 3 month long course where they are not only going to learn to read tarot but also build a strong foundation for their intuition.


3.Receiving more help

I started receiving more help. My husband considers it an expenditure while I consider it as an investment to fast track my healing process. I am excited about all things which are going to change in my outer world when I change things in my inside world.



There was something in my life about which I was deeply hurt and I always thought this is one thing which I can’t ever forgive. But, the day I forgave myself for that, the very next day I received an apology from the person who hurt me for the same. That is the power of self-forgiveness. If you would like to experience the magic of lightness in life, join my self-forgiveness workshop.


Plans for September


Right now I am going through a contraction period. I am used to a certain kind of speed to do things in life and I find it out of my comfort zone to take things slowly. Irrespective of whether I like it or not, I need to slow down. It is just the need of the hour. If I don’t slow down, the Universe will make me slow down. 


The only plan for September is self-healing. I have brought to surface a lot of pent up emotions in August. This month is all about healing myself with tools I already use and the new methods I have been researching about.


If you would like to learn more about any healing modality, you can schedule a session with me.


Happy September!


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