Bye Bye 2022 ! Welcome 2023!

2022 was a magical year for me. Most of it was unbelievable. I had the highest of highs and lowest of lows. In every few months, I could see how I was transforming into a completely different person. Major lesson learnt this year was on boundaries. I had the most painful experiences in all possible ways on this. Hopefully the tests on this are gentler the next year having learned a major chunk this year.


2022 Rewind


The best part


1.Spirituality & Healing


My major growth in 2022 was in this area. It started with psychic dreams and then moved to meeting a psychic reader and then further discovering through multiple sources about my life purpose. It was overwhelming, confusing, humbling all at the same time. 


The good part was how I started opening up to share my gifts with others in the form of Tarot, Reiki, Intention candles and Astrology. I see how my family also has slowly accepted me for who I am instead of wishing that I didn’t do these things.


I also took various healing sessions like Reiki, Hypnotherapy and Theta healing from others to see which suits the best for which purpose and thereby healed and opened up in a lot of different ways.


The best part was the Vipassana retreat which opened me up to the next level of consciousness. The second half of the year before Vipassana, it felt like a burden to follow my soul purpose. After Vipassana, I feel much lighter and learnt to trust that my path will open up at the right time. The only duty I have in my hand is to be equanimous and compassionate.




After the covid lifted, we started traveling a lot. Our first trip was to Sikkim and it was also my first experience with snow. My husband still plays the video from our Sikkim trip where he captured my joy playing with the snow to revisit the memory of how much happiness I am capable of. Best part of Sikkim is nature in its purest form.  


The next trip to Pondicherry was my first mystical trip where everything was happening with so many signs, insights and synchronicity that I started to believe that magic can very much happen right here on the earth. 


I fell so much in love with the beach and full moon in Pondicherry and we went to Gokarna for the next full moon to replicate the experience. My husband made Gokarna such an adventurous trip with impromptu plans and squeezing in so much for two days. Watching the sun set into the sea from a hill is an image I can’t take off my mind after all these months. It is too beautiful to explain in words. 

While our next trip was with his family to Tirupati and other surrounding places, this was also mystical in a lot of ways. Even though I have been to Tirupati a few times before, this was the first time I was able to establish the connection with God. 


The last trip was to Hampi. This time I decided to turn off the mystic and spirituality side of me and brought out the photographer in me. We went crazy and clicked around 3000 pictures. It was scorching hot but this trip helped me understand my endurance levels.


I definitely fell much deeper in love with my husband with every trip we took this year when I see how he silently does so many small things for my comfort and joy in our not so well planned trips. 


The blurry part


I don’t remember much about what happened in the remaining areas as spirituality and healing took the centre place in 2022.


1.Physical health


Even though the year started with enthusiasm, there have been too many ups and downs in terms of committing to exercising and pushing myself to do something challenging. Majorly I attribute this to healing at an emotional level which required that I give a lot of rest to the body. Also the sad part was about taking too long breaks in between and this is not the usual me. But when you have to progress exponentially in one area, the other areas take a hit. I forgive myself for not taking fitness as seriously as I wished to.


Weight loss didn’t happen this year either and I further put on 2 more kgs in the winter. It is frightening for me to see that a sedentary lifestyle is only leading towards obesity. I haven’t found an ayurvedic dietician either. I would like to do something more consistent and sustainable for the coming year in this space.




I was not regular with book reading. Maybe I would have read around 30-50 books given how I read very few books end to end. I also have so many unread books lying in my bookshelf. But this doesn’t mean that I haven’t learnt anything new. The first half of the year was about learning technical skills at work and the second half was about deepening my psychic and meditation. I had very little time to read books for purely intellectual growth.




The most painful life lessons for me was in the area of relationships. It was like a time loop of going through the same stages with certain factors changing. Each time I get a chance to correct my mistakes. In the act of balancing different things in life, I have failed in both the chances so far. When I get another chance next year, I will make sure that I implement the lessons on the first go so that I finally exit the time loop of recurring experiences. 


The good part of being in these relations was that I learned to appreciate my husband by a thousand folds. It is sad that I had to experience darkness to appreciate the light I always had in my life. It’s not like I don’t appreciate my husband but these experiences helped me feel a deep heartfelt gratitude for who he has been in my life.


2023 Goals


I spent 4 entire days reading up my journal from 2022 and in the end I skipped a few months because I felt that I can’t relate to a majority of things I have written in terms of suffering. But the more recent ones, they have some beautiful philosophies I wrote which I have not internalised yet. 


After all the reflection and contemplation, I have come up with goals and themes for 2023 based on the learnings from 2022, my soul desires, Astro and Tarot. 


The past few years have been about a lot of growth. This year, I want to slow down and integrate all the learnings. I want to find peace in being rather than in doing as doing is my natural tendency. I have done enough of proving myself to me and the world and now it is time to learn to embrace being.




When we went to Hampi for Christmas, we ended up walking around 25k steps daily. I was surprised at how much my body can endure and chose to train myself for trekking. One of the easiest exercises I can do for it is to start with staircase climbing to increase my cardiovascular endurance. Right now, I do three rounds of climbing till 9th floor and would like to eventually increase it to 13th floor.


However I improvise, add or delete to the initial ideas, fitness will remain the first most important goal for 2023.


2.Being in the present


The second most important area for me this year is to get back to staying in the present fully, completely and mindfully. My Tarot cards say that this year is going to be about looking at deeper shadows but I also feel equipped now to handle whatever might come my way.



  • Mindfulness
  • Vipassana
  • Go deeper into meditation


3.Self care


As an empath, it is so easy for me to empathize and let others use my energy for their well being. Last year I had to let go of being in touch on a day to day basis with two of my friends because I realized that they were draining me heavily. One rule for friendship I set for myself this year is – “How can I stop mothering my friends on a day to day basis?” Consciously or unconsciously this is what my friends seek from me. They want me to praise them, validate them, comfort them, soothe them. When I do this on a day to day basis and put their needs before mine, I have no time and energy left to attend to my own needs and listen to my own inner voice. It has been pulling me down in life.


In 2023, irrespective of whatever good intentions the other person has, I am not giving anyone the space to occupy my life on a day to day basis. I realized that being there for the other person and providing for their needs exactly the way they need is a very rare skill and I had only one friend and met only one therapist in all these years who was able to be there for me that way. When I don’t receive that from others, I have to provide that for myself and this in turn means that I don’t have the bandwidth to keep providing the same for others all the time. It is different to do it in a therapy session because I am well prepared and I don’t expect my client to do the same for me in return whereas expectations are so easy to creep in a friendship.



  • Stop overextending myself
  • Abhyanga ( Ayurvedic massage with oils)
  • Foot massage in the night
  • Reflexology
  • Have fewer routines
  • Schedule more free time
  • Do things for fun and not for learning/growing
  • Start reading novels 
  • Paint


4.Embracing feminine energy


This goal is an extension to self-care.


Last year, the two friends mentioned above were over powering masculine energy in my life. We need to get this done and we need to get that done and none of the things were in line with what I wanted for my life nor the pace at which I wanted to do things. It is okay for me to go slow. I am married and I have two jobs to cater to and I can’t do things at the pace they want me to do in the overlapping area we have, given they don’t have similar commitments in other areas of life as I do. My aim is to lead a balanced life.


When I was in Vipassana retreat, it reminded me of my girls hostel days and for 10 days it was so refreshing to be around women. Even though it might sound very trivial, I liked dressing up like a woman for 10 days in a stretch. Also, looking at others on how well others carry themselves, it was a reminder for me to not let go of the small joys in life. Honestly, I don’t even comb my hair daily with the work from home set up. Starting to do these small things will help me get in touch with my feminine energy for my own sake instead of for others when I mother them.



  • Connect with moon cycles more deeply
  • Tune into my feelings more often
  • Be softer and gentle with my deadlines
  • Embrace going with flow
  • Dress up more often
  • Learn deeply about divine feminine


5.Side hustle


I sometimes don’t know what is the right word to use for all the things I do in this space. Side Hustle, Therapist, light worker, healer – none of them sound right to me. The work I do is something which I consider very precious and it is my own deep private space where the best of me come forth in a natural flowing state. When a friend asked for a collaboration to do workshops, I was very clear that I don’t want someone else in my space because it is very precious and personal to me. I don’t want to collaborate for money or followers and adulterate or give away peace in exchange. Collaboration can only be done when two people are so fine tuned with each other’s value system and have a safe space to respect and express each other’s views.


Workshops & Courses in 2023 (New)

  • Setting boundaries
    • Identifying Emotional Manipulation 
    • How to avoid feeling burned out
  • Manifesting Love
    • Limiting Beliefs
    • Understanding Love
    • Identifying and attracting Love
  • Understanding Fear
    • Origins of Fear
    • Coping Mechanism
    • How to not let fear stop you from achieving your dreams?
    • How to deal with anxiety?
  • Tarot for Shadow work
    • Prerequisite – Aware of the meaning of the cards 


How was 2022 for you? What are your plans for 2023?


Happy 2023!


Note: I am now open for bookings for 2023 planning. I will help you design your year using your 2022 experience, tarot and astro. You can enquire for a session here.




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