Profound and Productive – 2023 Jan Review

The best thing about January was about me getting back to consistent journaling in a structured manner online. It took away the joy of writing freely by hand and doing 100s of pages of shadow work journaling but this feels very easy to refer to various personal projects I am working on and also easy to track various things about my life.


Highlights of January



I started working on psychological aspects of each of the chakras and it was a very enlightening experience. I set the seed for this around June 2021 that I should learn deeply about chakras in terms of psychology and finally it fructified after one and half years to do the work. It took me more than 25 hours to do deep self work to audit my chakras through tarot and the lens of psychology. I don’t like most of the books on chakras similar to astrology because they talk as if each chakra is independent. Even though they are right to some extent, the kind of deep work I am looking at involves how one deep block in one chakra can trickle through the entire system. Since the deep block is difficult to work, working on the easy connecting blocks will slowly make the deep block a shallow one. I also liked to move away from over active, underactive, blocked and open terminology for chakras to understanding the aspects to work on which makes me feel more under control and make changes in the material plane. Another interesting thing I have learnt is about how some chakras need deep healing work while other chakras need awareness and letting go of existing habits and building new habits.


I was surprised to know that I have a balanced relationship with myself and hence I don’t really seek out so much in terms of relationships with others or find others draining. It was a very beautiful insight to have and I am more than excited to share all the deep insights about chakras through a one on one session or workshop based on whatever works for you.


Given the amount of time it took to deeply understand each chakra, I think I will keep this exercise of auditing my chakras to only once in a few months. I have listed down the various aspects which I can improve and balanced them out into various areas. I have some good pointers to start working on myself for this year with this exercise.



I kept receiving so many messages from Universe on Authenticity at the start of the month. But something I had been wondering about was – “How to be authentic but not hurt others at the same time?”

This was difficult, uncomfortable and at the same time made me question if I am moving on the right path. But in a lot of situations I started embracing more and more of this side of me. I told all my clients who were not implementing whatever we discussed so far that I won’t be taking the next session unless they implement whatever they learnt so far. It was a bold move but I am glad I was able to do it. And all of them received this as a positive feedback which in turn made me feel comfortable to speak the truth.


3.Predictive astrology

While I don’t have an answer as to why am I chasing predictive astrology, I would have easily spent around 30 hours studying Predictive astrology this month. I have been studying as if I have an exam on it. I notice that every year dec-jan is the month I am most drawn to studying astrology in depth and as the year progresses I spend less time on it. This year I would like to keep the momentum going and limit it to maybe around 7 hours a month.

What did I learn from researching so many charts?

Timing, timing and timing. There’s a right time for everything in life. While with Sadhana, you may prepone a few good events of your life, a majority of them are pre-decided. You can also reduce the intensity of bad events in your life but you may not be able to let go of the karma which is ripe to give its fruits.

Your level of success and wealth is pre-decided in material terms. But you can continue to use free-will to develop your skill set because you carry it forward into your next life and in the next life you might be that person who everyone envies because of how lucky you are to get everything with little effort. But in fact that is something you had been working towards since lifetimes.

Studying astrology has been more of a spiritual pursuit. Like I could feel something changing inside me but I can’t really put it into words. I would need more time to understand what is driving me into this.


4.Relationship with authority

I set an intention to move into a leadership role by next year at work. This intention opened up for me on the kind of masculine energy I carry and attract into my life. This was a deep realization moment where it solved a huge recurrent pattern in my life. I shared these findings in one of the sessions of Transform your beliefs workshop and it created a butterfly effect with the participants also able to feel those changes in their lives.


5.Manifesting Love

This was another Eureka moment of January. I had started working on the content for this since November last year but I found the missing piece this month. It changed the way I looked at all my failed friendships and helped me find a lot of peace and release a lot of pain and guilt. I would say, this is still a work in progress but the foundation is now strongly laid. I will be sharing the dates for this workshop around march/april.


6.Self care

While I had bouts of motivation towards self-care, I need to set more reminders to get into a habit of self-care. I was able to be consistent with exercise. Even if I didn’t have the energy, I would show up in the smallest form I can.


The secret to make January so profound and productive was deep focus work, clear goals, limiting to essential interactions which helped me listen to my soul better through insight and automatic writing.


Goals for Feb



I do reiki for my mom and grandma daily but I don’t do it for myself. While I blame it on lack of time, as a part of my self-care routine, I want to spend at least 30 minutes of reiki on myself. I also want to continue with foot massages, etc at least a few days in the month. Also continue to prioritize exercising.


2.Shadow work

This month I would like to dig deeper into parts of myself which I have disowned but I am not aware of. I will go back to inner child healing, exploring my emotional self, etc. I am excited to see what I discover this time.


3.Forgiveness and Gratitude

This feels like a never ending task for me. But every time I clear out resentments, I see a huge change dawn on me. So I will continue to do this until my heart chakra is radiating purely with love.


4.Learning Pali and Sanskrit

Mid last year, I had this deep calling to learn Sanskrit. I finally manifested them this year. I am glad to try my hands at these both and see how much I can learn.


How was your January? What are your plans for February?


Happy February!


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