How to Manifest Love?

Life is difficult.


I don’t promise any of my clients that I will remove all the problems from their life. Of course, I am no God. But I indeed make a promise that I will make the journey worthwhile.


Life has been difficult ever since I remember. There was JEE. An exam which was supposed to decide my fate and I failed in that. Then there was CAT which was my next chance at life. I failed that too. Then there was getting a lottery ticket for marriage. I failed in the search process itself here and I had to be bailed out by a friend.


But there was one theme which helped in all this process. Resilience, clearing up the fate and creating my own destiny. Even today, I am still waiting for two of my goals from the past 5 years to manifest. The wait has been too long. But I learned to enjoy the process by celebrating the milestones and making the journey itself a goal because divine timing is indeed worth waiting for.


The real secret which helped me get through this process of repeated failures was not my support system. I remember the day CAT results were out and I wanted to switch off my mobile phone because I didn’t want to listen to my friends and family ask me to try one more time. Yeah sure, I tried the next year with no intention to join any college and I had a really wonderful score just the way I got in the mocks in the previous years. But others telling me that I can do that didn’t really help me.


I still remember the disbelief in my dad’s face when I didn’t clear JEE. No one came forward to tell me that my life is going to be okay. They made peace with the fact that my life is going to be mediocre unless I try my luck at higher studies.


In my journey of finding a suitable groom, my friends kept telling me that I am getting older and my lackadaisical attitude won’t help me get married. When I kept rejecting the guys who were worth millions, my parents thought that I would end up marrying a poor old man. No one really helped me put up with the stress of that process.


But there was one person who helped me throughout this. She cried with me, she gathered herself for me, she showed that resilience and then put across a plan to shine again. She was none other than my inner child. I am really grateful for her. I don’t regret whatever difficulties life threw at me. In fact, I have been going through my most difficult time ever right now but that doesn’t seem difficult anymore because I decided to change what I call difficult. 


I have learnt the art of gratitude, I have learnt to define my battles better, I learned to divide and conquer my problems. Life has been difficult but life has been good too.


If you are thinking that I have digressed from the topic, I want to tell you that I was very much with the topic. Because defining love is difficult. Manifesting that starts with loving yourself. When you love yourself, you can manifest any dream of yours which includes manifesting a dream love life. Without the self love, you are building a dream on shaky foundations.


I want to ask you, “Do you want to love yourself?” Love yourself so hard that irrespective of what life throws at you, you find your way out. Because life is meant to be hard with occasional good times to enjoy the rewards of your hard work as we are here in the school of life with lessons, tests and the summer holidays.


I have a workshop coming up where I teach you the exact process in which I love myself. This is a very long workshop which I am doing at a very minimal introductory price. Dedicating this only to those who are really serious about creating their own destiny. 


If you are not sure if this workshop is for you, you can choose the parts of the workshop which cater to your needs. Even though the target audience for the workshop is for those looking out for more love in their lives, everyone with a big dream benefits from this. Audio recordings will be provided if you can’t attend the live sessions. If you are interested, attend it this time because I don’t know when will I do a repeat of this as I have different commitments coming up next year and the price for the workshop for the next time is not going to be the same.


Workshop details


Part 1 – What’s stopping you?


You have a lot of dreams but the past failures take away the charm of dreaming again. Even if you are actively dreaming, there are subconscious beliefs you internalize from a failure which needs to be cleared up to dream again. We don’t do this clearing up because we rather live a mediocre life than face that heart wrenching pain. I know this as I was creating the content for the workshop and doing that clearing work on myself, I wondered, “Maybe mediocre life is better than facing the pain”. But the resilient part of me wanted more. “No pain no gain”. Good news for you, “You don’t have to do it alone.” I will hold the space for you as you process all the pain. We do deep subconscious healing through guided meditation.


Part 2 – How to define?


Now that we have cleared the pain, our glasses are clear. We can see the world with no bias. So we take this opportunity to start dreaming big again. But this time, we are unapologetic to dream about what we truly want. Since this workshop is on love, I will show you how to define love in a way which you have not heard anytime before because I use root cause principles and help you tune to the vibration of your defined love.


Part 3 – Where to find?


Again, I won’t tell you how to split your time between a dating site and matrimony to find love. But I will teach you how to identify your true needs vs what you think you want and also help you identify the unique ways in which people around you can provide you love by using the concepts of archetypes.


Part 4 – How to connect?


This is not a text book answer of how to have conversations. I teach how to reach out to someone at an emotional level and make a connection.


Part 5 – The manifestation game


This is where we use the basic manifestation principles in the right way ( you don’t get results usually unless you do the base work) to clearly define our end goal in a way that there is no failure and enjoy the process of living life even though life is brutal.


To join the complete workshop or any of the parts, click here.


Don’t join this workshop if you are not looking for the below in life:


  • Improve your life improve in all areas
  • Let go of people who are not good for you energetically
  • Discover your true self worth
  • Being unapologetic about what you want
  • Falling in love with yourself
  • Feeling content
  • Trusting the divine timing
  • Stopping the blame game


If you are looking for them, then see you in the workshop!

Happy manifesting love!


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