Upskilling – July 2023 Review

July was all about skill building at multiple levels. I attended a course on how to design all my services and another course on spirituality. So much has been changing internally that I took a break from lot of 1:1 sessions to create space for this healing to integrate. Also, I kicked off the Manifesting love workshop which also opened up a lot of new definitions for me.

Review of July

My energy reading for July was all about laying foundations and that showed up in reality was gaining new skills to lay those foundations.

1. Defining my services

When I kept journaling for this, so much came up that learning how to run a service business is a subject by itself to be studied which I comfortably ignored for a very long time. The minute I think I got some clarity on how it is done, thousand more things come up showing how little I know on this subject. This journey was exhausting, gave a lot of aha moments, made me cringe a bit when I realized how ignorant I was all these days. Getting an 80% clarity still feels like a far off dream, but I at least know the different aspects which need to be covered to get there. It is going to be exciting and eventful over the coming months as I discover my new self and apply these learnings.

2. Facing my fears

I always thought I didn’t know how to ride a bicycle but the real problem was me having the fear of riding it rather than not knowing it. The first day I went to ride the bicycle, I was able to do it without falling down. The next day we upgraded to scooty and my husband was surprised that I was able to ride scooty as well. But the next step of riding it at a comfortable speed and going on slopes and traffic is something I didn’t explore yet. Due to some unexpected reasons, I had to take a break from my practice. But this month, I want to get back to learning again before the memory fades away.
I also wrote down the next thing that scares me but I always felt enchanted to do was skating. Maybe I could try this too after before I feel too old to learn.

Plan for August

The theme for August for me is to slow down and change my perspectives. I am looking at how I can let go of the need to be doing something all the time and move into being more.


It might sound silly but doodling is something I want to learn. I always thought about what there is to learn about doodling but nice doodles need learning and practice. This would be a form of self care and relaxation. A few years back I did zentangling and found it very relaxing. Hoping that it will help my creative juices start flowing again.


I had abandoned Pranayama practice which I want to get back to. So I will do Kapalbhati in the morning and Anulom Vilom whenever I get time in the day.

3.Moving into Acceptance

One of the things which I had struggled with accepting for a very long time is my physical appearance. I am camera shy and I don’t want to be seen because I can point out 100 things which are wrong with the way I look. So this month, I will work on making peace with the way I look and feel more confident in front of the camera.

4. Chakra Review

To progress further on the spiritual journey, something which is very much under our control are chakras. I want to redo the exercise I did in January to slowly work on chakra by chakra to move the needle a bit. This month’s focus would be on Solar Plexus.

How was your July? What are your plans for August?

Happy August!

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