
  • Book Review – Eckhart Tolle -The Power of now

    Power of Now was in my to-read list for 3 years. All I knew about it was the story of a man who went from suicidal feelings to a joyous life. In my pursuit of mindfulness, I ended up picking this as the first book. The entire book revolves around one concept “Now”. The…

  • Book Review – 10% Happier

      After reading Power of Now, I was in search of a book with practical advice on mindfulness. One of the suggestions was 10% happier. I started the book with a 10% increase in excitement to know how to implement the power of now.    By the end of the first chapter, my excitement…

  • Book Review – How to sit

    Author : Thich Nhat Print | Kindle   When you read the phrase ‘How to Sit’, it sounds quite funny. You have been doing this all your life and you wonder what is there to know about it now.   You should read this book to know how sitting in the right way can…

  • 2020 April Review and May goals

    April is always the special month of the year as I turn a year older and hopefully wiser. To stay positive amidst the epidemic, I cut myself off from all the negative news and focussed on what is positive in my life. This helped April in being a fruitful month which helped me to…

  • 2020 March Review and April Goals

    One thing which has taken over the world right now is fear. As each day passes, there is only anxiety which is building up not knowing whose turn it is next. I think I moved from denial to acceptance stage of the world pandemic. I hope all my readers are safe and are reading…

  • 2020 March Review & April Goals

    One thing which has taken over the world right now is fear. As each day passes, there is only anxiety which is building up not knowing whose turn it is next. I think I moved from denial to acceptance stage of the world pandemic. I hope all my readers are safe and are reading…

  • 2020 February Review

    February was a short month because I was out of office for half of the month which took a hit on most of my routines. That being said, the best part of it is understanding my type of travel places. I realised that I can’t just go to a beach and say wow. I…

  • 2020 Jan Review & Feb Goals

    I am thankful to everything which happened in January 2020. Not that something amazing happened but the theme of gratitude has definitely captured a lot of good into my life.   Review of Jan 2020   1.Gratitude    I started off with writing in my diary what I was grateful for whenever I felt…

  • Welcome 2020

    Even though in the last article, I mentioned about my achievements of 2019, I was just surviving and not thriving. I grew as a person due to circumstances but not because I planned for it. There were a few months when I didn’t track my expenses, there were a lot of months when I…

  • 2019 in Retrospection

    I can’t believe that today is the last day of the year and also the decade. The year went away in a jiff making me a stronger woman both physically and mentally. From the start to the end of the decade, I transitioned from grumpy teenager to a mature adult. Even though they say,…