
  • Rich Habits: The Daily Success Habits of Wealthy People

    Author: Thomas C Corley Review The author did not mention anything new which you would not have read in any other articles or books on self-help previously. He just tried to make the book interesting by writing case studies of an insurance salesman, a secretary, a car dealer and an accountant. He mentioned 10…

  • Love yourself

    “I hate him for dumping me. I will hurt him as much as I can.” “How can she sleep before I return home? I will not let her sleep the entire night” “I should have picked the call when my grandfather called me. He would not have died if I had picked up the…

  • Course Review: Improve Self-Confidence

    Course Name: Self-confidence:  40 minute self-confidence and self-esteem Website: Udemy Link: CONTENTS: Handling the fear of rejection Confident Body Language Negative self-talk Daily social interactions Practice gratitude Openness Why I am great list WHY I CHOSE THIS COURSE? This is my fourth course. Lately, I have been feeling a little low on my self-esteem…

  • 30-day Challenge – A small step towards our big dreams

    All of us have dreams and resolutions. We start working towards something but quit when things stop going well. We juggle so many dreams. After a few years when we look back, it looks like we tried and we failed. But in the first place we never tried seriously to work on our goals.…

  • Recipe for Motivation

    We have new year resolutions, birthday resolutions, short term goals, long term goals so on and so forth. But very few actually succeed in achieving them. Why is it that many of us fail? We constantly look for motivation. Someone to motivate us. We search for motivational stories and videos. But for how long…

  • Keystone Habits – Key to chain of Habits

    Keystone habits help you create a lot of other habits without much struggle. It is similar to building a strong foundation which keeps the building strong. So what are the keystone habits which you can start with today? Waking up early: Do you feel like jogging when the sun stares into your eyes or…

  • Social Relations – Embrace them or Avoid them?

    Man is a social animal. Research shows that well-being of a man is dependent on his social circle. At the same time, another research shows that being dependent on others is not a trait of mentally strong people. Are they conflicting? Well-being of a person depends on healthy relations he maintains. If there are toxic…

  • Run Boy Run

    Running, Jogging, Walking – A combination of these three is what begins my day. This new habit is a by-product of my key-stone habit of waking up early. If this habit is only for exercise, I have been doing yoga for 6 years. Why do I need to run? Every exercise has its own…

  • A course a month makes you a little smarter, sharper and wiser

    All of us need improvement on a daily basis to be a better human. It also helps us in staying ahead in this competitive world. The most common suggestion you must have heard is to read a book. But at times we don’t have the luxury to read a book or if you are…

  • How to form a Habit – Routines that stick

    Mona : Someone is late to the office today again. Sona: I wanted to be on time. But I switched off the alarm and slept off. Mona: The same story again huh ? Sona: What can I do about it? I have been struggling so hard to wake up early. But I am just not…