
  • What should you know before you plan for a child?

    I often see people having children for the wrong reasons and raising them in a way which is detrimental to the child’s mental health. Some of them teach their children discipline through fear. A few others ask the child to stop crying and not express emotions. A few more don’t respect the boundaries of…

  • Turning Trauma into Healing – August 2022 Review

    “Your faith has the power to turn trauma into healing, conflict into great growth, and fear into love.” – Gabby Bernstein   Sometimes you get hit by some object and assume that it wasn’t a bad hit. But the next day you see a black mark with a blood clot under the skin. A…

  • Life Coaching with Tarot

    Recently my husband started writing 101 reasons why I enjoy therapy sessions. While making that list I felt called to write this article to create a structure around different ways I can help you with Tarot and expand the ways in which I can help my clients make a difference to their lives.  …

  • My learnings from Tarot Cards

    When I started reading books about mediums, I was fascinated by what they were capable of. I wanted to get a reading to experience it first hand. But all I could land up with a friend’s recommendation was a tarot card reader. When she started pulling out cards which exactly described my situation, I…

  • My musings on therapy

    My first experience with a counselor was when I was 17. I was a shy introvert and had no skills to survive in a college hostel. With some communication activities, it helped me develop a voice for myself. Even though that was a good start, I had to go through a lot of bad…

  • Tuning into Energy of Love – 2022 July Review

    “My capacity to tune in to the energy of love gives me the words i need when i am ready to  speak up the compassion i need when it’s time to forgive and the power i need when i am lost” – Gabrielle Bernstein   This beautiful quote helped me find love in the…

  • 5 Common mistakes to avoid while using Divination Tools

    Recently, I have realized how my life went full circle from blindly believing in divination advice to calling it superstitious to being skeptical and now understanding the real meaning of it.   Here, I will outline some principles I follow while using divination tools and you can use them based on your discretion.  …

  • My experience with self forgiveness

     “Don’t be so hard on yourself.” It was the most common advice I often received. I ignored it thinking that, “If I stop being hard on myself, how will I ever achieve anything?“   Every time I pushed myself harder, I ended up failing. Not just in my career but also in my personal…

  • Awakening to my Truth – 2022 June Review

    Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness, that most frightens us. We ask ourselves, Who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, fabulous? Actually, who are you not to be? – Marianne Williamson, A Return…

  • Embracing Spiritual Awakening by Dhananjay Kaushal

    Whenever I meet someone inspiring, I want to share their journey with my readers. The next in the series of interviews is Dhananjay Kaushal – Marketing Consultant, Life Coach and Astrologer. In a time where Astrology has become all about prediction and less about understanding energies, when I first started learning Astrology, I had…