
  • What is Spirituality?

    Recently I got asked this question. Even though I call myself spiritual all the time, I had difficulty describing it in one sentence. I replied, “Believing in a power higher than yourself”. But my definition is a lot more than that. So here is an essay which I can share next time someone asks…

  • 2021 Nov Review & Dec Plans

      “You are taught by the society that life is all about career, family and happiness but the reason you take birth is to learn a few pending soul lessons in this lifetime to balance out the karma from previous lives”   After my obsession with Ayurveda, I got my hands on Astrology this…

  • How to Balance Vata Dosha

    In the previous article, I talked about Ayurvedic reference to elements of nature and how it impacts our life. In this article, I will go deeper into how when each of the elements mix together and go out of balance, the impact it has in our lives.   I always thought Ayurveda was a…

  • How to balance 5 elements of nature for a better life

    Ayurveda beautifully explains macrocosm microcosm continuum theory. Macrocosm are the elements present in nature and microcosm are the elements present in the body. Macrocosm microcosm continuum theory is all about how nature is reflected inside the human body and just how an imbalance in elements of nature results in havoc, imbalance of elements inside…

  • How to Love – Thich Nhat Hanh – Book Review

    I love reading Thich Nhat Hanh books not because I will learn something new but because he packs the book with peace he has accumulated in his practise. Every part of what he writes is something you already know or would have read somewhere but his style is simply mesmerizing. On any given day,…

  • 2021 Oct Review & Nov Goals

    “A good laugh and a long sleep are the best cures in the doctor’s book.” — Irish Proverb   Since May, the time I have started tracking my sleep, Oct was the only month when I prioritised sleep over everything else. It was good to start sleeping for 8 hours consistently every night as…

  • How to stop being a workaholic

    I was a workaholic. I am a workaholic even now. Only difference between then and now is that I exercise control when I realise that I am close to burn out. While we blame our busy ambitious lives for workaholism, it is not your job which makes you a workaholic. Your childhood determines that.…

  • What to do when you feel stuck?

    Yesterday, I was in a deep conversation with a friend. Both of us had extreme experiences in life that we couldn’t fathom what it means to be on the other end. While he really cared and wanted to help me, he couldn’t think of any possible solutions. But for me, I already knew what…

  • How to find work life balance when working from home

    With Jan 2022 around the corner and RTOs being planned, I am surely going to miss working from home. While there has been no divide between work and life, the work from home has given me the flexibility to focus on important areas in my life. Here are a few tricks which worked for…

  • How to find inner peace

    Since the start of the pandemic, I have been operating on minimum mental bandwidth. I sometimes feel overwhelmed with the amount of office work and household work, but I found my inner peace by following a few principles.   1.Choose your tasks wisely   My mom asked me why don’t I talk to relative…