
  • FAQ on 1:1 Sessions

    I have been to around 7 different therapists/psychologists/coaches. Every meet was a bitter experience. I always wondered “How are they running their business with their skills?” But the reality could be that what they were offering and what I needed were completely two different things.   Here I am, outlining what to expect out…

  • 2021 July Review & Aug Goals

    “It has been said, ‘time heals all wounds.’ I do not agree. The wounds remain. In time, the mind, protecting its sanity, covers them with scar tissue and the pain lessens.” ― Rose Fitzgerald Kennedy   I started Lucid dreaming this month and surprisingly I still dream about my JEE exam and how I…

  • Break Bad Habits

    Babita took a year off after 12th to prepare for JEE. She did that with a good intention to prepare for the exams. But Netflix had other plans for her. She decides to treat herself with just one episode every morning and this turns into an addiction where she ends up spending the entire…

  • 2021 June Review & July Plans

    “One’s mind, once stretched by a new idea, never regains its original dimension.” ~ Oliver Wendell Holmes.   This quote summarises what June was for me. One of the major realisations I had this month was how psychotherapy was related to healing in spirituality. I did a lot of work on my inner child…

  • Get out of Comfort Zone Workshop

    Arnav wakes up at 10 AM every morning just in time for the office call. Lunch is the first meal of the day. The only physical movement in his life are the trips to the restroom. His sleeping posture and relentless snacking are not really helping him maintain his health. Once in a while…

  • Avoidant Attachment Style Workshop

    Infant development (6-18 months) involves learning to trust, security and nurturance. The interaction between a baby and its primary caregiver during this period of infancy translates into an attachment style of individual which sticks with him throughout his lifetime in various relationships. If the primary caregiver responds to the distress of the baby by…

  • Understand your Defense Mechanisms Workshop

    “Most people do not really want freedom, because freedom involves responsibility, and most people are frightened of responsibility.”   For my research paper during Masters in Psychology, I studied entertainment and coping styles by conducting a survey. According to the research, on an average people spend 22 hours per week on social media/youtube/Netflix. While…

  • 2021 May Review and June Goals

    “The only bad workout is the one that didn’t happen.”   May made me question my workout routine. I injured myself by overworking out and had to take a two week break. But that doesn’t make working out bad in any way. I am back on a 7 day streak from last week and…

  • Overcome Procrastination Workshop

    Most of my clients start explaining their problem with this one statement. “I am lazy”. Even though this looks like a universal problem, they use this term to explain different things they are not able to get done. The reason for laziness not only differs from person to person but also from task to…

  • 2021 April Review and May Goals

    April was not easy because of the second wave of covid in India. I am grateful to stay safe and I hope you are also staying safe. I don’t want to describe the pain and fear which is already in abundance in our lives.    April Review   The best thing about April is…