Monthly Goals

  • Slowing down – 2023 Aug Review

    August was a very slow month for me. Despite me slowing down, I fell sick for a week in the end because I didn’t slow down enough. I could clearly see how my head was so much lighter after the sick days because I stopped thinking about a lot of things during the sick…

  • Upskilling – July 2023 Review

    July was all about skill building at multiple levels. I attended a course on how to design all my services and another course on spirituality. So much has been changing internally that I took a break from lot of 1:1 sessions to create space for this healing to integrate. Also, I kicked off the…

  • Diving into the depths – 2023 June Review

    June was such a rollercoaster. It started with going to my hometown for family functions, sleeping and eating at odd hours, wearing a mask which was so suffocating that after a point I wasn’t even sure why I was doing that to myself. To get out of that mood, after I got back I…

  • Blossoming – 2023 May Review

    May felt like Spring season. It started with a vacation where I did some wildlife photography and felt so connected with nature. Every time I connect with nature, there is a new found energy where I feel unstoppable. I got back to showing up on Instagram, taking new clients, offering new services, etc. When…

  • Integrating the parts – 2023 April Review

    The downward spiral which started in February finally hit the lowest in the first week of April. It was too much grief to process and for the first time I was able to notice how trauma forms when I pre close the grief without processing completely. One thing which definitely helped me in the…

  • Rising up from the Ashes – 2023 March Review

    March was one of the most mixed months in recent times. For a good 10 days, I wasn’t sure what was happening with me. I can’t fall asleep one day and the next day I sleep well. And even after I got back my energy, it kept fluctuating for a long time. I have…

  • Navigating the Triggers – 2023 Feb Review

    February was all about re-realizing whatever realizations I have not internalized. My tarot cards for February said ‘Triggers’. I thought, “How bad can it get?” But every passing week the triggers were stronger than the previous week. By the end of the month, I feel super exhausted with all that I have been through.…

  • Profound and Productive – 2023 Jan Review

    The best thing about January was about me getting back to consistent journaling in a structured manner online. It took away the joy of writing freely by hand and doing 100s of pages of shadow work journaling but this feels very easy to refer to various personal projects I am working on and also…

  • Welcoming a new me – 2022 Dec Review

    December was an eye opening month for me which helped me get back to my senses. I want to incorporate those lessons into actions in 2023.   Review of December   1.Choosing to be myself   I chose to stand up for myself in one of the friendships which was not working for me.…

  • Opening to Abundance – 2022 Nov Review

    “You are what you believe”   November was another life changing month for me. The past few months have been about so many deaths and rebirths of myself. The more I am willing to shed the old skin, the more peace I experience and feel ready to the next level of challenges. The bright…