Monthly Goals

  • Angelic Connections – 2022 Oct Review

    “True healing occurs when I give myself permission to feel whatever feelings live below the triggers” – Gabby Bernstein   This month for me revolved around this quote. I went through multiple rounds of healing sessions working on some of the life changing limiting beliefs. Whenever you go for inner child healing, womb healing…

  • Mystical Pondicherry – 2022 Sept Review

    Last month, I received a feedback which was filled with entitlement of why there is not enough free stuff on the website despite me creating so many thought provoking reels on Instagram consistently. In order to avoid such a situation repeating, I set an intention on what kind of clients I want to attract…

  • Turning Trauma into Healing – August 2022 Review

    “Your faith has the power to turn trauma into healing, conflict into great growth, and fear into love.” – Gabby Bernstein   Sometimes you get hit by some object and assume that it wasn’t a bad hit. But the next day you see a black mark with a blood clot under the skin. A…

  • Tuning into Energy of Love – 2022 July Review

    “My capacity to tune in to the energy of love gives me the words i need when i am ready to  speak up the compassion i need when it’s time to forgive and the power i need when i am lost” – Gabrielle Bernstein   This beautiful quote helped me find love in the…

  • Awakening to my Truth – 2022 June Review

    Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness, that most frightens us. We ask ourselves, Who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, fabulous? Actually, who are you not to be? – Marianne Williamson, A Return…

  • 2022 May Review and June Goals

    Happiness is in letting go!   Recently, I realised that the power of your happiness and peace of mind lies in not letting desires control you. In the past, I was always chasing something or the other. I choose a goal and chase it like my life depended on it. If I don’t achieve…

  • 2022 April Review & May Goals

    April was all about letting go. I decided to not put up with clients who can’t respect my time and energy. I donated all the clothes which I no longer fit into so that I can make space for new energy.    When you let go, it is also about accepting. I decided to…

  • 2022 Feb Review and March Goals

    “Until you make the unconscious conscious, it will direct your life and you will call it fate.” – Carl Jung   This month was all about dream work instead of mirror work. In the first week of February, I had a dream which when I followed up with was too good to believe. It…

  • 2022 Jan Review & Feb Goals

    “The universe speaks if you will learn to listen.” ― David Bowers   The best thing in January for me is the signs I have been getting from the Universe on how I should shape my destiny. Since the last two months, I have been highly confused between upgrading my skills in my full…

  • 2022 January Goals

    End of 2021 and the start of 2022 is just a milestone on the journey of life. I have documented my journey until this milestone here. I get back to planning the rest of the journey at month level again.   Plans for January   1.Books   This month I aim to finish reading…