
2018 Week 17 Challenge

The best part of the week was I started going for a run again. It gave me a chance to appreciate the morning beauty around me.

Review of Week 16

1.Book of the week:
I just read a few pages from different books. Didn’t really read anything worth mentioning.
2.Course of the week:
I tried a few courses on edx but they were not really interesting.
3.Habit of the Week: Picture a day
One of the best things I tried this year. I usually click pictures if the place is worth capturing. But this one exercise helped me appreciate my surroundings better. There is so much beauty around me and I just stay blind to it. Only after I started clicking pictures, I learnt to appreciate the beauty. Not only am I surprised at the pictures I clicked, my friends who were into photography and who were not into photography were equally surprised. I will soon open a new blog for the my photos and share it over here.
4.Write book
I have not really progressed much in terms of the number of words I could write. But I started working on consolidating the book and bringing a shape to it. Two blocks are done. Two more blocks are left. I am yet to decide on the title and book cover.

Challenges for Week 17

1.Habit of the Week: Poem a day
My friend had been giving a prompt regularly to write poems. It is my new love now. So I will take some time in the day to write a few beautiful poems to feel happier.
2.Write book
I have only 5 days left to be precise. With a bit of little extra efforts and efficient planning, I should be able to finish it.
How was your week 16? What are your plans for week 17? Let us know in the comments section.
Happy Week 17!

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