November taught me that travelling is one of the best ways to discover oneself. Two road trips set the standard for the next trips to come. Once again, my friends considered me a good enough wedding photographer which boosted my ego to consider freelancing photography. Apart from that, a couple of friends started encouraging me to start participating in competitions.
Review of November
1.Study for Exams
I spent most of my free in learning the basics from the text books. Even though I could not sit for studying everyday, I at least made time to understand what I will be tested in the next month.
2.Pranayama and Kapalbathi
I could not really make it a point to do this every morning. But then I had been consistent in meditation this month too not allowing myself to miss a streak by doing it even at 11:30 at night. The only times I missed it was during the trips when I couldn’t find a lone space. The quality of meditation hasn’t improved much yet but I am just happy about making it a habit with which I struggled for years.
3.Mindful eating
Eating in India is considered a group activity rather than an individual one. I find it difficult to excuse myself from others and eat which in turn made me not to practise to the extent I wanted to do it. But when I am alone, I started eating without a phone or book to start with. A long way to go.
I think this is the best part of every month. Irrespective of what goals I set, I end up slacking a bit in them. But reading books comes naturally to me. This month I read Shoe dog, Option B, When breath becomes air. I am currently reading Malgudi days.
Plans for December
One of my friends asked me to select 10 of my best photographs to display them at her home and hotel. Even though I didn’t charge her any money, this is the first order I received. I want to spend some time to go through my work and select my favourite ones for her. Apart from that, I will go through the list of competitions available and start applying to see where I stand.
I want to finish reading Malgudi days, Fooled by randomness, Hot Flat & crowded, Onward before the year ends. That will land me at around 35 books this year excluding the books I read for my profession. That is a huge number for a busy year this had been.
I haven’t written book reviews in ages now. I want to get back to start writing book reviews this month. If not for all the books I read this year, at least a few.
4.Review and Plan
I want to go through my diary and understand what went good and bad this year so that I can plan what are the few changes which I want to see in myself and my life in the coming year.
How was your November? What are your plans for December?
Happy December!